Town Council Crest
Agenda for the Personnel Committee Meeting
held on the 26th May 2022

20th May 2022

To: Personnel Committee Members

You are hereby summoned to attend the Personnel Committee Meeting to be held at 6.00pm on Thursday 26th May 2022 in the Town Council Office, The Rings Community Hub, The Rings, Ingleby Barwick.


  1. Housekeeping

  2. Apologies for absence

  3. Declarations of interest

  4. Exclusion of the press and public during consideration of the following item(s) of business – Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

  5. Youth Leader/Youth Support Assistant – Consideration/Shortlisting of Applications

  6. Youth Provision

  7. Town Clerk – Contractual Arrangements - Update

Joanne McGeeney
Town Clerk

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Link PDF version of the Agenda

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